No, TheSBAloanExperts.Com is not affiliated with SBA.Gov or any other Government Agency.

It is an independently operated website that offers information & consulting services to small business owners.

An SBA (Small Business Administration) loan is a small business loan that is guaranteed in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration and typically made by a bank or SBA approved lender.

TheSbaLoanExperts.Com assists small businesses to apply for business loans through its network of SBA preferred (PLP) lenders. TheSbaLoanExperts.Com is NOT a lender, does not make offers for loans, and does not broker online loans to lenders or lending partners. Customers who arrive at the website are paired with a lender or a lending partner and redirected only to lenders or lending partners who offer business loan products.

SBA offers loans to buy a business with or without Real Estate with a Very Low-Down payment, it also offers longer terms, best rates, and lower monthly payments than other loan options.

The SBA does not require the use of a Broker/Agent for Packaging Services or to refer a loan application to apply for an SBA loan. Clients choose to hire TheSbaLoanExperts.Com due to its Extensive Experience & Expertise in the field.